Loving What Is
Four Questions That Will Change Your Life
Would you like to end your own suffering? Suffering comes in many forms: Anxiety, bitterness, frustration, depression, worry, annoyance and hate just to name a few! Byron Katie uses “The Work” to help YOU wake up to your own suffering and shows you how to actively work to end it. This book is very special to me personally. I first read Loving What Is when I was 18. Ameya was a newborn and I had just left an abusive relationship. It was one of the most emotionally challenging time of my life. Loving What Is became a beacon of light, guiding me back to my true self. YOU too, can experience life-enhancing changes by using “The Work” in your life!

The Four Agreements
A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
This is one of my all time favorite books! YOU cannot go wrong by adhering to the 4 agreements. Get ready to learn what they are and how to implement them in your life!

Today we are discussing the importance of satisfying work, the 10,000 hour rule and 3 tips that will help you write your own success story!

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams
Today we will be discussing the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success. I hope to help you notice, as I did, that the recurring theme throughout the Laws is living in the present moment, practicing mindful awareness of each thought and each choice. You will soon learn the secret to STOP EXCHANGING YOURSELF FOR THE SYMBOL OF YOURSELF!

Out of Control
Why disciplining your child doesn't work... and what will.
Dr. Tsabary compels us to see that perhaps we are the ones that are OUT OF CONTROL and worse our parenting and discipline is the driving force behind our children’s misbehavior. Today we are going to talk about honoring our children, the destructive role of over-identification with our kids, and why connection before correction is the key to willful cooperation and the end of what we identify as “punishment.”

Parenting Without Power Struggles
Raising Joyful, Resilient Kids While Staying Cool, Calm, and Connected
Today we will discuss, the foundation of parenting, we will identify who is in charge (parent or child) and we will learn to use what Susan calls act 1 and act 2 parenting to deal with our children’s less than desirable behaviors and emotions such as whining, their frustration, anger, and anxiety without compromised our relationship or dimming their innate light.