Parenting Without Power Struggles

Raising Joyful, Resilient Kids While Staying Cool, Calm, and Connected

Today we will discuss, the foundation of parenting, we will  identify who is in charge (parent or child) and we will learn to use what Susan calls act 1 and act 2 parenting to deal with our children’s less than desirable behaviors and emotions such as whining, their frustration, anger, and anxiety without compromised our relationship or dimming their innate light.

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“The original title of this book was Please Don’t Let the Light in Your Child’s Eyes Grow Dim, and although I eventually modified it to reflect more of what I wanted to say, that title speaks to the origins of what you are about to read. I believe parents need to act as guardians for their children’s innate light, honoring them as the emissaries of joy that they are. Instead, we often find ourselves battling over everything form homework to chores, watching as the light begins to fade.

In Parenting Without Power Struggles: Raising Joyful, Resilient Kids While Staying Cool, Calm and Connected, I’ve taken all the elements I’ve gathered along my own teaching, counseling, and parenting, journey and assembled them into a body of information that has the power to dramatically improve your parenting life.”

~ Susan Stiffelman, MTF from Parenting Without Power Struggles

Meet the Author

Connect with the Author

Susan Stiffelman, MFT

Susan Stiffelman is a unique blend of licensed therapist, credentialed teacher, beloved auntie and down to earth mom. Her book, Parenting Without Power Struggles is based on her work with thousands of parents and children, from celebrities to everyday moms and pops.

In her book, Susan offers mainstream, rubber meets the road advice that has been thoroughly tested on kids of all ages and demographics. At the same time, her approach to raising kids falls into step with the understanding of people like Eckhart Tolle and Marianne Williamson who recognize that parenting is in its own way a spiritual journey.

She’s an adventurer (she took her 15 year old son on a two and a half month trip to Uganda, Tanzania, Australia and New Zealand), a visionary (homeschooled him in his early years when it was considered rather “iffy”) and is an outside-the-box thinker (taught herself Hindi as a teenager by calling people named “Singh” out of the phone book!) Diagnosed with the ADHD label, she manages to accomplish more in a week than many do in a month, while maintaining a regular meditation practice and spending serious amounts of time playing.

Susan divides her time between Malibu, California with her son (when he’s home from college), her dog Rosie, and a full and grateful heart.

Bio copied from Amazon Author Bio.

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