January at valYOUable
Make 2017 your best year yet with valYOUable!
Week 1
Launch valYOUable 1/3/16!
Wahoo! valYOUable is officially Launching on January 3rd! Pretty please Join us & Invite your family and friends to join too. If they don’t sign up, heck you know their email, just sign them up yourself 😉 Just kidding!
Join us!
Week 2
Narrow Focus + Consistency = Massive Change
The magnitude of action you take doesn’t matter as much as the consistency with which you apply action to your life. “It’s not what we do once—it’s what we do once a day…day in and day out…every day that brings lasting change into our lives.” ― Toni Sorenson
Featured Content
Week 3
Become Superhuman by Habit!
You have your Goals for 2017 and now it’s time to create habits that will help you reach them!
Featured Content
Week 4
What & How to Eat for Health
& Weight loss.
You and everyone else in the world wants to get healthy and probably wouldn’t mind losing a little weight this year!
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Are you ready to ?
3 Strategies to get the Most from valYOUable:
Wouldn’t it be GREAT if you could just watch a valYOUable video and then effortlessly apply everything you learned to your life? Of course, and if that was the case you would be Oprah by now BUT you’re not… Sorry! To start implementing valYOUable content into your life use the 3 Strategies below:
Commit a short amount of time EVERYDAY to personal development content ( valYOUable videos & worksheets). What normally happens is people decide they want to improve their lives but after a couple days their motivation fades and their life goes back to normal. To combat this pick a specific time of the day (such as: when you first wake up, your lunch break or before you go to bed) to engage with the content.
Pick ONE thing you want to change & write about it daily during your personal development time. Do you have your ONE thing? Great! Now break it down into smaller action steps. Have a big vision but many small goals that will enable you to achieve it. Be Patient. To make lasting changes you have to accept that you can’t change everything overnight. Most people overestimate what they can do in a week or a month and underestimate what they can do in a year or two.
Get an accountability partner. If you don’t have an accountability partner that’s exactly why we have Groups at valYOUable. You can actually create your own valYOUable Small Group (ex. Weight Loss Group). Create a small group and give other members the opportunity to join you. You can help support each other in achieveing your goals. Please keep in mind valYOUable is a brand New Community, therefore groups may take some time to gain members.