The Willpower Instinct
How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More Of It
According to the American Psychological Association, Americans name lack of willpower as the number one reason they struggle to meet their goals. We know that learning about willpower can increase self-control. That’s good news for you because you are going to learn a lot about willpower. Today we are going to discuss the 3 parts of willpower, why knowing yourself is crucial to strengthening self-control, what willpower shares in common with muscles and how your self-judgment affects willpower. I am going to sprinkle this talk with many scientifically proven strategies that will assist you in increasing self-control!

The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem
The Definitive Work on Self-Esteem by the Leading Pioneer in the Field
This is one of those books, that while reading it I think “crap!!!” This is TOO good and going to be impossible to narrow down to 10 minutes. It is just overflowing with life enhancing philosophy and action steps. So needless to say, I think you should read this book cover to cover. But for now I am going to review with you each pillar of self-esteem and discuss what self-esteem really is according to Nathaniel.

Today we are going to be discussing, presences, the imposture experience and some of Amy’s tips for reestablishing presence in your life. The reason I say reestablishing presence is because we all experience presence at times. Presence is a moment to moment state of being and our goal is to increase the quantity and duration of presence moments in our lives.

A Guide to Becoming the Best Possible Version of Yourself One Tiny Habit at a Time.
Today we are going to discuss if you use addition or subtraction in relation to habits; willpowers role in forming habits; the necessity of starting small and staying consistent; what triggers habits and how to measure your results for long term success.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams
Today we will be discussing the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success. I hope to help you notice, as I did, that the recurring theme throughout the Laws is living in the present moment, practicing mindful awareness of each thought and each choice. You will soon learn the secret to STOP EXCHANGING YOURSELF FOR THE SYMBOL OF YOURSELF!

Carol Dweck, Ph.D is a Stanford Professor and one of the world’s leading authorities on the science of motivation. She tells us that our “mindset”—how we see the world—determines a *huge* part of our overall happiness and well-being and achievement. In this Note, we’ll explore the difference between a “fixed mindset” and a “growth mindset” and some Big Ideas on why we want to learn how to live from a growth mindset. And, of course, how to do it!

The Compound Effect
Today we will discuss a simple equation that will produce radical differences in your life, the dangers of success, why self-responsibility and tracking everything is the key to unlocking new levels of success and 3 tips to maximize your life!
P.S. Thank you Anthony James for getting me my first copy of The Compound Effect! Thanks to you, Darren Hardy is now one of my favorite authors!