You are a BADASS
Everyone that thinks self-help books are boring clearly hasn’t read “You are a Badass.” I laughed the whole way through. This book covers a lot, and I mean A LOT of topics. She writes about meditation, forgiveness, money management, procrastination, ego, source energy and on and on. It really is a perfect introductiory self-help book. I narrowed the focus to two topics for todays discussion. First, how to and why to stop caring what other people think. Second, I hope to help you understand that when other people drive you crazy it is because they are triggering a insecurity you have. You can use those triggers to grow! So let’s get started.
“I went to motivational seminars where they made me wear a name tag and high-five the person next to me while shouting, “You’re awesome and so am I!” I beat a pillow with a baseball bat and shrieked like I was on fire, I bonded with my spirit guide, participated in a group ceremony where I married myself, wrote a love letter to my uterus, read every self-help book under the sun, and spent blood-curdling amounts of money I did not have hiring private coaches. Basically, I took one for the team.
If you’re new to the self-help world, I’m hoping this book will ease you into some of the basic concepts that totally changed my life so you can have a breakthrough, too, without making you want to run off screaming in the process. If you’ve already dipped your toe in the self-help pond, I hope it will say something in a new way that turns a light on so you can make some major shifts, create some tangible results, and someday wake up crying tears of giddy disbelief that you get to be you.
And if I can save one person from ever having to take their inner child on a play date, I have done my job.”
~ Jen Sincero