Loving What Is
Four Questions That Will Change Your Life
Would you like to end your own suffering? Suffering comes in many forms: Anxiety, bitterness, frustration, depression, worry, annoyance and hate just to name a few! Byron Katie uses “The Work” to help YOU wake up to your own suffering and shows you how to actively work to end it. This book is very special to me personally. I first read Loving What Is when I was 18. Ameya was a newborn and I had just left an abusive relationship. It was one of the most emotionally challenging time of my life. Loving What Is became a beacon of light, guiding me back to my true self. YOU too, can experience life-enhancing changes by using “The Work” in your life!
“What I love about The Work is that it allows you to go inside and find your own happiness, to experience what already exists within you, unchanging, immovable, ever-present, ever-waiting. No teacher is necessary. You are the teacher you’ve been waiting for. You are the one who can end your own suffering. I often say, “Don’t believe anything I say.” I want you to discover what’s true for you, not for me. Still, many people have found the following principles to be helpful for getting started in The Work.”
~ Byron Katie from Loving What Is