The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem
The Definitive Work on Self-Esteem by the Leading Pioneer in the Field
This is one of those books, that while reading it I think “crap!!!” This is TOO good and going to be impossible to narrow down to 10 minutes. It is just overflowing with life enhancing philosophy and action steps. So needless to say, I think you should read this book cover to cover. But for now I am going to review with you each pillar of self-esteem and discuss what self-esteem really is according to Nathaniel.
” The turbulence of our times demands strong selves with a clear sense of identity, competence, and worth. With a breakdown of cultural consensus, an absence of worthy role models, little in the public arena to inspire our allegiance, and disorienting rapid change a permanent feature of our lives, it is a dangerous moment in history not to know who we are or not to trust ourselves. The stability we cannot find in the world we must create within our own persons. To face life with low self-esteem is to be at a severe disadvantage. These considerations are part of my motivation in writing this book.
In essence, the book consists of my answers to four questions: What is self-esteem? Why is self-esteem important? What can we do to raise the level of our self-esteem? What role do others play in influencing our self-esteem?”
~Nathaniel Branden from The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem