Today we are going to be discussing, presences, the imposture experience and some of Amy’s tips for reestablishing presence in your life. The reason I say reestablishing presence is because we all experience presence at times. Presence is a moment to moment state of being and our goal is to increase the quantity and duration of presence moments in our lives.
“Presence, as I mean it throughout these pages, is the state of being attuned to and able to comfortably express our true thoughts, feelings, values and potential. That’s it. it is not a permanent, transcendent mode of being. It comes and goes. It is a moment-to-moment phenomenon.
Presence emerges when we feel personally powerful, which allows us to be acutely attuned to our most sincere selves. In this psychological state, we are able to maintain presence even in the very stressful situations that typically make us feel distracted and powerless. When we feel present, our speech, facial expressions, postures, and movements align. They synchronize and focus. And that internal convergence, that harmony, is palpable and resonant – because it is real.”
~ Amy Cuddy from Presence